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Here are the goals that our team will accomplish in this unit on East Africa

Socially:  By studying the culture and lifestyles of the people of Eastern Africa, students will come to learn that all people everywhere are to be treated with respect and kindness.  They will also learn that each person has their own unique gifts and talents that they have been given.  Students will see that they are called to be servants in the world and that their unique strengths can be used to serve their neighbor.

Emotionally:  In this unit, students will empathize with citizens of the countries we will be studying based on some of these countries’ tragic histories and the unfortunate events taking place in them still today. Students will also develop a strong, Christian attitude of acceptance and love to people of other cultural backgrounds. By learning about other cultures and discovering similarities between these cultures and their own, students will be able to identify with these cultures and understand that we are all equal in the sight of God. Students will also develop a desire to act upon their duties as Christians by helping the less fortunate.

Academic:  By studying Eastern Africa, students will have a better understanding of the historical and cultural context of another country. The unit focuses on history and culture and how it applies to scientific, mathematics, and language arts skills that students can use to better understand how we are all image bearers of God. Students will be given the opportunity to study in-depth how vastly different God's Kingdom is, particularly through Eastern Africa, and how we can use this information to be better stewards to the world around us.

Spiritually: They will see how God has created all people and that they should thus respect all people, since they are image bearers of God.  They will learn to empathize with the struggles and pain that these people have gone through. And in the end, they will understand that they should be involved by trying to following the Biblical mandate to love their neighbor (Luke 6:31).

PhysicallyStudents will learn that all individuals were created equally in God’s sight and deserve fair treatment. Students will understand that the fall allowed sin to come into the world and has created wickedness; wickedness that includes violence, hardship of labor, death, greed, etc. The ultimate hope is that students realize that God has given them the responsibility to restore the world. In this unit students will identify how they can best use their gifts and talents to serve others in order to work towards achieving the final shalom.

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